Sneha Sharma
Loka’s mission relies on the generosity of friends and donors to support our Small School with Big Dreams. Supporting Loka is investing in a Bright, Beautiful and Sustainable world where human bonds are close and care for our precious planet matters. Share ideas, resources and good wishes. You may also donate online through Paypal or our Indian and Dutch Bank accounts.
Help support a student whose parents are illiterate and unable to cover costs of education. Consider making a contribution of € 360/$ 425 per year.
Sponsor a nutritious diet for students through Loka’s Fruit Everyday project. Suggested donation: € 60/$ 70 covers fruit once a week for a month for 90 students.
Loka’s students regularly plant trees on their school grounds and in the village to contribution to a green planet. Contributing towards 10 trees costs € 25/$ 30.
Consider supporting towards the infrastructure and expertise required for an innovative and creative education for Loka’s younger students and a Craftsmanship Course for older students to uplift their surroundings. Required funds in 2019-2021: € 150.000/$ 170000, which includes:
€ 7.500/$ 8,500 for a classroom (5)
€ 10.000/$ 11,500 for a working space for the Craftmanship Course (6)
€ 15.000/$ 17,000 for a Loka Cafe run by students (1)
€ 25.000/$ 28,500 for a Multipurpose hall (1)
€ 12.500/$ 14,250 for a dining hall (1)
Funds go a long way in this part of the world so you may also consider making a monthly payment of €25/$ 25 or more to support our programs.
Indian Bank Account
(for donations in India)
Account nr. 28490100019100
Bank of Baroda in name of Sarvodaya Society
MICR: 221012023
FCRA Bank Account
For bank details contact
Dutch Bank Account
Bank account: NL04 TRIO 0254 4577 38
On name of: Stichting Loka, Almere, The Netherlands
Concept: Ishan Khosla and Charlotte Leech
Art direction and design: Ishan Khosla Design LLP
Website development: Wizard Concepts
Website Management and Hosting: SpringTree
Mithilia Illustrations: art by Pradyumna Kumar and Mahalaxmi Karn, art direction Charlotte Leech and Ishan Khosla
Animation: animator, Mud n Water, Shaaz Ahmed; art director, Ishan Khosla
Indian Nationals or Foreign Nationals with OCI can apply for organising a workshop or pursuing temporary position at Loka’s centre. We are especially interested in artists, scientists and entrepreneurs who relate to Loka’s vision and work. Please apply through by sending a motivation letter and your resume.
Loka is happy to receive material goods from within India! Materials in good condition and useful for primary/secondary education and children are most welcome. Natural and durable materials are preferred to plastic/non-durable items, in line with Loka’s vision for a sustainable world. Please contact us through