

Founders & the beginning of Loka

Like a colourful flower garden where the parts together make a beautiful whole, a diverse range of connections and collaborations make Loka what it is today.

Loka’s co-founder Sanat Kumar was born and brought up in Bihar. As a young man he moved to Varanasi and studied Sanskrit.

It all starts with dreams in our minds and passion in our hearts. ~Faisal Husain, Friend of Loka and Founder/CEO Synechron

During his years as a student he travelled throughout the country, set up and managed schools in rural areas of North-India and gave speeches to large audiences. In 2007 he met Charlotte Leech from Europe who was in India to learn; something she would never stop doing. Charlotte was born in the United Kingdom and educated in the Netherlands where she worked as a projectmanager, policymaker and advisor for the government and the cultural sector. Connected by shared ideas and ideals, Sanat and Charlotte set upon a journey of learning. They started an educational experiment along the Ganges in Varanasi and later moved to Bihar where they founded Loka’s small school with big dreams along the Punpun river.

Since Loka’s initial start, a growing circle of support has emerged consisting of people and organisations that share Loka’s dream for a Bright & Beautiful World through education. Both thanks to a dedicated local team and through Loka’s global board members, guest teachers, advisors, ambassadors and supporters, Loka is able to continuously blossom and grow.


Loka’s students are mainly from a rural area and grow up swimming in the river, taking care of cattle and live in an atmosphere where strong human bonds are present. Loka aspires to keep these connections alive and values the sense of attention, equanimity and sensitivity its students embody as important skills to excel in life and work.

At Loka everyone is welcome. Students living in simple huts and houses in a village and those accustomed to more developed urban environments study together,

At Loka we embrace the butterfly effect; that the small-scale endeavours of Loka’s 108 students living & learning in a remote village in India will one day shake the world in a gentle way.

creating natural bonds between children who otherwise may have never met as equals. Admission of students is on basis of geography and support of parents. Children living in the village where Loka’s school is located have first priority. Parents also need to ensure their child’s presence at school, a long term commitment and an atmosphere at home that is conducive to learning. Parents who are unable to pay school fees, which is mostly the case in the rural setting from where the school operates, can have their children’s education sponsored by friends of Loka. This way economical backgrounds never form an obstacle for children to have access to a best possible education.

International Boards

Loka Team

Advisors & Ambassadors

Guest Teachers

On Location

Students Art Gallery

Join Our Team

| Current Vacancies: (Pre-) Primary Educators | Communication Assistant

Loka currently has vacancies for (pre-)primary educators and a communication assistant.
For more information please contact: lokafoundation@gmail.com.

Our Location

Loka School & Farm, Manikpur Village, Obra, Aurangabad District, Bihar – 824124, India
Visiting Loka is only possible by prior appointment.
Email: lokafoundation@gmail.com

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