Shilpi (11) lives with her sister and two brothers in a simple unfurnished brick house in the village where Loka’s school is located. Her parents are small-scale farmers. Her mother is a warm-hearted hardworking lady who is mostly active on their small plot of land or on the land of large-scale farmers. She supports the education of her children and believes it will give them a better future as she herself has deep experience how it is to struggle to survive. Shilpi: I live in Manikpur village. Before my house was a hut, now it is made of bricks. I study at Loka International in class three. After completing my education, I want to be a Mathematics teacher at Loka and give my family and many other children a better future.
Friendship depicts a sun and moon, stars and clouds. The sun and the moon are reaching out their arms to each other, indicating their friendship. Shilpi: The sun and the moon are talking. They are playing. The moon says: I like the starts to play with the children. The Sun replies: I like to play with the clouds. All are friends. All are happy.
Title: Friendship
Made by: Shilpi
Medium: Woodcut
Size: 32×25 cm (size paper)